Saturday, October 29


Hi there, just a quick post because I should be studying...

I have a dilemma regarding wedding shoes. Although, I guess it's not much of dilemma because I've already decided - I'm not wearing white shoes. Unless I find a really great pair. Okay, maybe I'm not as decided as I thought.

You see, the problem is, I really hate white shoes. Maryanne can attest to this. In fact, I hate anything white on my feet, and even most colours or patterns. I only like black or brown shoes, and I only wear black socks (which is sometimes a problem when I want to wear brown shoes). Unfortunately, all of this dislike of white could cause problems for my wedding day, when traditionally, you wear white shoes with your white dress (I'm okay with wearing white clothing, just not shoes).

I've already hashed this out with a couple of girlfriends, including my MOH (Maryanne, that abbreviation was for you). They all agree that I should just wear what would make me happy. Julia thinks I should wear my black Kenneth Cole dress sandals (the most comfortable dress shoes I have ever worn), and be done with it. Becca thinks that I should just wear whatever colour I want. I'm leaning toward buying a new pair, because in my mind, special day = new pair of shoes.

But here in lies my dilemma. What kind of shoes should I wear? What colour should they be? I think black is out of the question - as much as I'm not willing to wear white shoes, I think black and white together only look good if you're a mime. Someone suggested that my shoes could be my "something blue", and I don't think that's such a bad idea. Overall, I think I'm looking for something simple and classy, with a heel. However, I'm not going to stress about it now, because soon the spring shoes will be coming out, and I'll have all the selection I want.

I guess I just find shoes fun to think about. I was browsing online the other day, probably while I was supposed to be writing something, and I came across a few shoe-beauties that I wanted to share with y'all. First; as I mentioned before, I'm looking for something with a little height:

however, I think this might be a little much. Do people actually wear these? How would you drive? How would you not topple over? What if your heel gets stuck in a crack in the sidewalk? These shoes fill me with more horror than that time I met Steven Harper.

Next, I challenge you to find what's wrong with these shoes:

Can't quite figure it out? Here's a hint: they're for drag queens! That's right folks, these shoes only come in women's sizes 10-15, with widths between C and EEE. And I was freaked out that time two men came into the shoe store I worked at and tried on all the size 12w's we had. Apparently there's a whole market for these kinds of shoes out there in cyber-land. Who knew?


Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

And my response to the drag queen shoes: "Finally! Pretty dress shoes made in my width!"

Dagblasted wide feet.

I am consistently amused by your refusal to wear white on your feet. I think the weirdest day ever was the day when you wore white socks. I was all, "What's wrong, Meg? Did something happen?"

Maybe you should get some saucy red shoes.

October 31, 2005 1:33 a.m.  
Blogger Meg Persson said...

And then I could click my heels together, and say, "There's no place like home!"

October 31, 2005 9:24 p.m.  
Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

Either that, or there are some really cute shoes on Zappos (of course I had to conduct some research on your behalf! That's what bridesmaids and former roommates are fore), and they had a lot of really Meg-ish Kenneth Coles. There was a pointy closed-toe, kitten-heel light pink shoe with a subtle bow on the side that was fairly Meg-classy-and-can't-wear-black-shoes.

October 31, 2005 9:43 p.m.  

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