Thursday, October 27

So apparently I'm a little behind...

But here are lego Meg and Karl.

This is Karl, as seen by me. Notice that he has his upside-down smile on, like when he sort-of wants to smile, but really doesn't want to put out the effort. He's wearing a Santa hat because in a picture we took before we started dating he had a bemused smile and a Santa hat on. And he looked a little gay. Also notice that he hasn't shaved, because Karl not shaving is a typical source of conflict between us. I say he should shave more, he says he doesn't have time. Seriously - who doesn't have time to shave? It's like saying you don't have time to brush your teeth. But I digress... Next, he's wearing the scarf my mother crochet'd for him, in the Swedish colours of blue and yellow. He's wearing a tie-dyed shirt because that's the closest they had to a Hawaiian shirt, and in his hands he's holding a book and a coffee - both indispensable items in the life of Karl. He's wearing blue and green plaid pants because I feel that Karl, left to his own devices, would actually wear pants like that. And finally, he's standing in a background entitled "Flames of Perdition" because I think that's the sort of place you can find him. (Just kidding!)

Next is Meg, as seen by herself:

I gave myself shoulder-length brown hair (because that's what I have), and I'm wearing a black sweater and khaki pants (because that's what I usually wear). I think I was even wearing a black sweater and khaki pants when I made this picture. Also, I'm wearing a colourful scarf because my mom crochet'd a scarf for me too; mine is brown, purple, and orange (and looks gorgeous with my burnt orange sweater and leather jacket, I might add). Finally, I'm sporting what Maryanne calls my "judging eyebrow". Apparently I raise my eyebrow when I disapprove of something, and according to her, it happens a lot. It's usually aimed at her, but I barely notice that it's happening.

And, last but not least, is Meg as seen by Karl.

Karl gave me really dark hair (although it's the same style as the hair I gave myself), and he gave me really light skin (unlike me, who forgot to change my face colour). In my hands are my cellphone and a Pez candy dispenser (to signify my love of candy). I'm wearing a shirt that says "Freestyle" because he thinks that's the kind of shirt I wear. I argued with him on that point, and challenged him to think of three shirts I own with logos or sayings on them. He thought of two so we called it even. I'm wearing a crown because one year I dressed up as Miss Canada for Halloween and I wore a fake tiara, and it stayed in our house and became the studying crown. I think Maryanne wore it more than I did - maybe because she studied more. Finally, the pièce de resistance is the fact that I'm standing on a golf course. Karl knows I hate golf, hence the judging eyebrow again. According to him, being on a golf course is 'outside my paradigm'.

So there you have it, folks. Karl by Meg, Meg by Meg, and Meg by Karl. I won't bore you with a psychoanalysis of what it all means, but I'm pretty sure it means Karl has issues with his mother. No, I'm just kidding - Karl's mom is a sweet lady. I hope you enjoyed our pictures!



Blogger trisha said...

lol... love it! hahaha....

aww... missed you tonight meg! maybe i'll see you bowling in my surprise costume :o

*hint.... i am cow, hear me moo, i weigh twice as much as you.... hehehehe

October 27, 2005 11:08 p.m.  
Blogger Meg Persson said...

I'm going to go bowling in your surprise costume?

Oh great, I'm turning into Karl.


October 27, 2005 11:23 p.m.  
Blogger Meg Persson said...

By correcting grammer, I mean.

October 27, 2005 11:24 p.m.  
Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

I love it! Agree with Karl on the much darker hair, but mostly I agree with you on all the other stuff. Well, also I think the "Freestyle" shirt is more the sort of thing you wear around the house, such as the Wisconsin t-shirt. Actually, it really reminds me of the Wisconsin t-shirt.

And judging eyebrow, and Karl looking really gay (especially in all the rainbow colours)? Classic.

October 28, 2005 8:05 a.m.  
Blogger arimich said...

Ha! You are a genius! And I'm so glad you started up your blog again. I missed you! :)

October 30, 2005 3:51 a.m.  

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