Tuesday, October 11

Skipping! (Gasp)

And I had been doing so well. I got up today, did a few things, and then I looked at the clock and realized it was 9:45 (I have class at 10:00). No big deal, right? Wrong. I'm still in my pyjamas, I haven't eaten anything, I haven't made a lunch, and there's no possible way I can do all that and still make it to class on time. So what do I do? I choose not to go.

I admit it: I'm a sucker for staying home when I have to be somewhere. I love the guilty thrill of sitting at home, watching the time go by: "It's 10:15! If I'd gone to class, I would have been there for 15 minutes..." I think skipping is probably number one on my list of things I love but know that I shouldn't.

I always make these super excuses for not going: there's no possible way I can make it on time; I can use my time so much better at home; I can do all these wonderful things I never make time for; etc, etc. And yet, somehow, I end up doing nothing but watching movie trailers in my pyjamas and posting on my blog. All those wonderful things get pushed by the wayside in my laziness. What is it in me that just doesn't want to do what I'm supposed to?


Blogger Jen said...

i'm the saaaame way!!! i love your description of liking staying home watching the clock. i can totally identify. you just inspired me to skip more! no, i'm kidding...i have to cut that out. been doing it too much lately. sometimes i get to school a little late for my 10:00 class and instead of walking in late awkwardly i just sit and do homework instead. love it. woh woh woh...

October 24, 2005 10:15 p.m.  
Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

Look what happens when I go away! Everything falls apart! Meg's hangin' out in her pyjamas, watching movie trailers, without me... probably drinking some fabulous tea... maybe having jell-o with popcorn... (sob)

I miss you!

October 25, 2005 8:52 p.m.  
Blogger Becca said...

totally know what you are talking about - I even feel like that when I'm sick!

October 29, 2005 2:20 p.m.  

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